As a new place for international contemporary art in Hamburg, FILTER opens its space on the 16th of December 2005.  Under the title >>crash test<< three artistic positions are introduced in a group exhibit, that dedicate themselves to the current subjects of anxiety, power and security. Uncertainty.  Security politics.  Do we live in a world with steadily more uncontrolled acts?  How secure are we?  Are we directly involved in the construction of catastrophes and anxieties? 


The signal color red is a frequently recurring element in the work of Naomi Fisher (Miami). In her photo piece >>What’s a little blood amongst friends<< Naomi Fisher portrays her protagonists in interplay of forces out of sexuality, nature and power.  The presentation of her body or those of others serve as a tool for the expression of destruction, desire and love. 


Jeroen Jongeleen (Paris/Rotterdam), aka >>Influenza<<, questions the constant battle of architecture and advertising in his works.  Frequently in the public space acting Jongeleen plays with the codes from the advertising industry in order to destroy its hegemony in space and question its existence.  Expressly for the group show >>crash test<< Jongeleen works with the exhibition space. 


In a ca. 15-minutes documentary >>United States of Exceptions<< Olaf Sobczak (Hamburg) introduces his observational studies of security precautions in front of US-embassies in different countries.  The constant armament and exclusion of the terrains as well as persons remind us of fortresses. What kind of influence this has on the environment and the function of the space itself is commented on here without words.


Projects and exhibitions at Filter (selection):

Jordi Bernadó. Welcome Utopia

10. – 27.10.2006


Dancing Descenarios

Luis Berrios Negron + Jörn Stahlschmidt

01.07.2006 – 05.08.2006


a forest**

Gabríela Fridriksdóttir, Oliver Lutz, Luis Vidal

26.08. – 23.09.2006


Episodes and fragments – Visualization of collective participation forms

Exhibition with:

Beer Bench Gospel, OLGA, TMSisters, TOY, VIP

24.03. – 30.04.2006


Escape Tour
an installation by Erwin van Doorn

03. – 05.11.2006