Periferic 7: Focussing Iasi. International Biennial for Contemporary Art
Bucharest Biennale 2
Young Artists Biennial Bucharest. Absent Without Leave
The selection for the Romanian Pavilion at the 52nd Venice Biennale
Nita Mocanu_About Eden
Sebastian Moldovan_The Paris Project
Toys for children. Attila Tordai-S. in conversation with Mircea Cantor and Ion Grigorescu
VAD (Vector Art Data Bank)
Vladimir Bulat_The impossible return
Dada East. An interview with Adrian Notz
Kerstin Niemann_Filter. A space for international contemporary art in Hamburg
On community, border and Israel. Yael Bartana speaks to Magdalena Ziółkowska
Marta Jecu_Yukihiro Taguchi