The video "Video cameras and hand-grenades" is a work pretty characteristic for my way of expressing. Using relatively simple means and a big dose of moment inspiration? I have succeeded many times in creating quite complex works. This video has a tragic-comic side. I was in a hurry to document the art exhibitions at the pavilions of the Stockholm Art Fair 2002 and I was nearly running with the camera among the "stands" trying to capture as many works as possible in the shortest time. My aim was to try and give a few seconds to each of the hundred gallerists participating. At a certain moment I find myself in a huge stand full of interesting works. When I was just leaving, after I had filmed for a few good minutes, the art merchandiser Christian Larsen approaches me:

- "Excuse me, where are you from?" He wanted, naturally, to know from what TV company I was, but I, hoping that he would recognize me, I answered him, smiling:

- "I'm from Romania, where are you from?" Then I walked away, trying to get as many works before the closing hour. At a certain moment a guard appears and asks me to go back and introduce myself to Christian Larsen. I follow the guard's instructions and get back to Christian Larsen (with the video camera switched on).

- "Hi! Sorry if I worried you! - It's good that you came, let me explain you how things go. It's about a gang of Romanians who did a lot of robberies… As you didn't introduce yourself, you only said 'I'm from Romania' I had to check." Then I ask him:

- "Is it a gang of Romanians at the fair now? - No, but they made a lot of robberies along the years. We know that in some cases they have traced and documented art works with the purpose of stealing them. They are only in the art business.

- But me too I am Romanian and in the art business. - Yes, I understand, says Larsen, but you are making art, and they are stealing art."

The tragic thing is that when Christian Larsen says this, the viewer realizes that I was actually doing art on Larsen's expense.

Larsen would have been a much happier man if he had not hurried to be suspicious about me and he had left me alone. When he asked the guards to check upon me he brought the trouble at his home.

(I don't know if I can explain this, but a similar situation is encountered by the science men who are dealing with the physics of Quanta (elementary particles); it is impossible for them to measure the characteristics of the smallest particles as the measurement instruments change the particles' qualities. So, when Larsen tried to control my qualities, he has already changed them.)

A lot of Swedish viewers accuse Larsen of his fear of foreigners and of a discriminating attitude, but myself, exhibiting the work and listening to the public's reactions, I reached the conclusion that in fact one of the most important aspects is the right of Christian Larsen to be afraid. One's right to be afraid should be considered a human right.

- "They are some bad guys, heavy criminals. When they were caught by the police they had upon them video cameras and hand-grenades", says Larsen. Another aspect is the importance of the way Romanian citizens are acting abroad, concerning the reflection of Romania's image. - "But are you sure they are Romanians? I ask him. - Hundred per cent, answers Larsen. - But what part of Romania are they from? - All I know is that they are Romanians… - What a coincidence, I say. This year is the cultural year of Romania in Sweden. Have you ever heard of Romania's cultural year? - No, no. no." answers Christian Larsen.

So, the efforts of the Ministry of Culture and the Romanian Embassy weigh less than the deeds of some "burglars" regarding Romania's image in Sweden.

Dorinel Marc 2004